Don't worry. If you committed a crime and are not a U.S. citizen, you still have a chance to get off scot-free. Although the situation may seem hopeless, there are ways to reduce your sentence or even avoid it altogether. Pierre Prialé, a Right Path Law Group law firm attorney, is ready to defend you properly.

On many occasions, situations can happen where people commit crimes that at first glance appear to be misdemeanors, either because they were not arrested, or they were only given a ticket, but this is not always the case, and since they are not U.S. citizens they face serious consequences, such as:
Becoming inadmissible to re-enter the United States, if the government deems a person inadmissible, they will not be able to change their immigration status, whether they have a work permit and want to apply for a green card, or they do not have a legal status and want to apply for their work permit.

Likewise, if a legal resident takes a trip abroad, he or she may be detained at the border upon return, as he or she is inadmissible for having been charged with such a crime.
Also, there are other more severe types of offenses, the consequence of which for non-citizens is deportation.
Additionally, the third type of charge, aggravated felonies, can make you inadmissible and a candidate for deportation.
So, if you are a non-citizen and must appear in court for an arrest or even just because you received a ticket, it is important that you first speak with an attorney who knows both criminal and immigration law.
If you are not a U.S. citizen and you have committed a crime, don't worry. The criminal defense attorneys at our Right Path Law Group law firm in Fairfax Virginia are here to help, and we have the experience you need. So don't hesitate to call us at 703-637-9999 for a free consultation.