What Should I Not Tell My Insurance Company After an Accident?

Jan 31, 2024 | Right Path Law Group
What Should I Not Tell My Insurance Company After an Accident?

You may have heard that one of the most important things you need to do immediately following a car accident is to contact your insurance provider to notify them of the accident and provide them with your account of what happened. While there is some truth to the importance of notifying your insurance company that you were in a car accident, there are some reasons why you may want to carefully consider what information you give to your insurer.

If you have been in a car accident, contact a car accident lawyer immediately and know what you should do and what you should avoid, including what to say — and what not to say — to your insurance company. There are certain pieces of information you should have no reservations about disclosing to your provider, but there are also pitfalls you can avoid by not divulging too much information.

Steps After an Accident

Mature man with damaged car after accident calls insurance company on mobile phone, feeling distressed.

There are certain steps to follow in the immediate aftermath of a car accident. These steps include ensuring you report the accident promptly to authorities, exchanging contact and insurance information with the other parties, and seeking medical attention for any apparent or potential injuries.

Following such steps can not only lay a foundation for an attempt to pursue compensation (whether through an insurance settlement or going to court) but also ensure your rights can be more well-protected throughout the process. However, some aspects of dealing with your insurance company can either help or hinder your case, depending on your specific situation and what you tell them.

General Communication Guidelines with Insurance Companies

A basic understanding of how the communication process works with your insurance company after a car accident is important when navigating the aftermath and your pursuit of compensation.

Typically, the process involves:

  • Notifying your insurance company of the accident.
  • Providing them with the information they request about the car accident.
  • Maintaining a reasonable level of communication throughout the process.

While honesty and transparency are important, knowing the difference between required information and unnecessary or potentially harmful details is equally critical.

What Not to Tell Your Insurance Company

In most cases, your insurance company should work on your behalf to benefit you, but remember companies also prioritize their own interests and bottom lines. Knowing the difference between information you need to tell your provider and information you should not tell them is vital. Particularly in situations when you may need to utilize your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, exercising caution in your communications with your insurance company is in your best interest.

Admitting Fault

One of the most basic rules about car accidents and communicating with insurance companies is never admitting fault or accepting blame for the accident. This is important for multiple reasons, including:

  • Accepting blame for the accident can hurt any attempt to recover compensation.
  • Admitting that the car accident was your fault can result in your insurance premiums increasing or your provider denying your claim.

There are alternatives to admitting fault or accepting blame for your car accident. It is always advisable to avoid making statements regarding fault while at the scene of the accident and instead focus on exchanging contact information with the other party. Consulting with an experienced car accident attorney is always your best option. Refusing to make statements or answer questions about the accident before speaking with your attorney is a wise choice. It can potentially save you from making costly mistakes during the process.

Providing Unnecessary Details

Even if you know the need to avoid admitting fault when communicating with anyone after your accident, you may make the mistake of providing too much information. There may be certain details about the accident that your insurance company needs to know, but there also may be unnecessary information. Important things to keep in mind include:

  • Some details about the accident may actually work against you when it comes to the claims process.
  • The best strategy is to stick to basic facts about the accident and not fall into the trap of elaborating unnecessarily about the details.

Your insurance company will use any and all information you give them to assess liability and determine how much coverage they are required to provide. Too much information can potentially endanger your chances of reaching the most favorable outcome.

Speculating on Injuries or Damages

It is always best to leave it to professionals to determine the extent of the damage caused by your car accident, in terms of both physical injuries and property damage. When communicating with your insurance company, you should:

  • Avoid making any speculative or premature statements about physical injuries. Speculating about injuries before any medical assessments can complicate — or even harm — your claim.
  • Always remember the importance of seeking medical attention following an accident. A diagnosis, treatment plans, and thorough medical records by a trusted professional is crucial.

Accuracy of the information you provide can significantly affect the success of your claim and the level of compensation you obtain. Therefore, always avoid opening the door for any chance of miscommunication or misunderstanding of your insurance company.

Making Recorded Statements without Preparation

Insurance providers always seek to obtain recorded statements from all individuals involved in an accident. At times, insurance adjusters seek and obtain these statements very early in the process, without the involved parties having the proper time to prepare. Things to keep in mind regarding making recorded statements include:

  • Making statements without preparation can severely damage your claim and endanger your chances of reaching the desired resolution.
  • You should delay giving any statements until after you speak with a knowledgeable car accident attorney.

Any recorded statements you make to your insurance company can potentially be powerful evidence to help or harm your claim. Seeking legal guidance from a skilled personal injury attorney before making statements can ensure you put yourself in the most advantageous position.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When communicating with insurance companies after car accidents, there are common mistakes many people make. Knowing about these mistakes and how to avoid making them can be helpful for your chances of having a successful claim.

Waiting Too Long to Report an Accident

Intentionally delaying notifying your insurance company of your accident can have negative consequences, including the denial of your claim. Timely reporting of your accident will make the claims process happen more smoothly and may also be a clear requirement in your insurance policy itself. Hire a lawyer quickly so they can notify your insurance company of the accident as your policy requires.

Failing to Gather Evidence

Neglecting the importance of obtaining all available evidence and documentation after a car accident can have a negative impact on your claim. Failing to gather this important information can result in a missed opportunity to strengthen your claim.

Ignoring Injuries or Delaying Medical Attention

Promptly seeking medical attention following your accident is crucial when the time comes to seek compensation. While some injuries can be immediately evident at the scene, other types of injuries (whiplash, internal injuries, brain injuries) can take longer to become apparent.

If you make the mistake of either ignoring injuries or letting undetected injuries linger due to a failure to have a medical assessment after your accident, an insurance provider may use this as evidence to claim your injuries were not severe or did not occur in your accident.

Immediate medical attention and full documentation of any injuries and treatment are critical to the success of your insurance claim.

Underestimating the Impact of Social Media

In today’s society, social media is virtually omnipresent. Awareness of social media’s impact on your insurance claim is important. If you have been in a car accident and are dealing with your insurance company, it is a good idea to avoid making any reference to the accident on social media and be mindful of your social media activity as a whole to limit the potential of providing an insurer with any evidence they can use against you.

Your insurance company will likely scrutinize your online presence throughout the claims process, so having a heightened awareness of this fact is a good thing to keep in mind.

Gold-colored justice statue stands before red law books, symbolizing legal knowledge and justice.

While this article has provided an overview of communicating with insurance companies after a car accident, we cannot stress enough that the best strategy is to leave all communication to your car accident attorney.

When to Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

The complexity of car accident insurance claims makes it crucial to have an experienced car accident attorney working on your behalf throughout the process. If disputes arise or multiple parties are involved, legal representation will provide you with a much better foundation for moving forward.

Overview of Attorney-Client Privilege

Whereas communicating with our insurance company should always involve a certain level of caution, attorney-client privilege allows you to maintain an environment of fully open and honest communication. Communications between you and your attorney are strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed without your consent.

This privilege can give you peace of mind that any information you share with your attorney — unlike information you tell your insurance provider — will never work against you.

Handling Communication Challenges

Even with the help of an attorney, you may encounter certain challenges when dealing with your insurance company. Knowing how to respond — or when to not respond at all — can be helpful.

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are trained professionals with extensive experience in getting the information they want and even persuading others to agree to things that benefit the insurance company. Speaking with insurance adjusters can be a road filled with pitfalls and potential traps.

Your attorney will act as your personal advocate to ensure all communications with your insurance provider happen appropriately and in a way that protects your rights. By working with an attorney, you can prioritize your best interests and avoid having an insurance adjuster taking advantage of you.

Documenting All Communication

In car accident insurance claims, keeping detailed and organized documentation can go a long way to helping you reach a positive outcome. Your attorney is used to keeping meticulous documentation, which can ensure your claim is supported by accurate and fully documented information.

If your claim reaches a level of complexity that requires legal proceedings, having an experienced attorney who has methodically maintained full documentation of the entire process will pay off.

Consultations with a Car Accident Lawyer are Free

Consultations with a car accident lawyer are typically free, providing an opportunity for individuals involved in accidents to seek legal advice without financial commitment. During these consultations, individuals can discuss the details of their injury case, understand their legal options, and gain insights into the potential for a personal injury claim.

This free consultation serves as a valuable resource for you to make informed decisions about pursuing legal action without incurring upfront costs. An attorney can advise whether you need legal representation throughout the insurance process. Never make this assessment on your own without professional guidance.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney for Help

Pierre Prialé, Fairfax Personal Injury Attorney
Car Accident Attorney, Pierre Prialé

Regardless of where you are in the aftermath of your accident, seeking the help of a knowledgeable car accident attorney should be your priority. While your insurance provider has a vested interest in ensuring you are taken care of, you cannot always assume that your insurer has your best interests in mind at all times. With the guidance of a skilled attorney, you can be sure someone is upholding your rights to every relevant insurance company.

It’s best to be careful about what details you provide to your insurance company — or better yet, don’t make any statements without making sure your attorney has signed off on them. Legal professionals bring experience, knowledge, and the necessary skill set to bolster your claim and provide you with clear direction throughout the process.

If you have been in a car accident and now face the challenge of dealing with your insurance company — especially if your situation involves the potential use of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage — turning to an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle all communications with your insurance provider should be your top priority.